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Friday, February 25, 2011

.May Nays is Textually Active. XD

What's up, people? to this big wide world? no one will ever see this, but I DONT CARE! I have gotten my (let's just say bad) grade up to a b-, which is still horrible, but it went from... well, a...... Fabulous to Brilliant within one day. :) I am working on my homework. here's my equation...


I'm so smart. LOL. Anyways, everyone else is asleep. Idk why, its like not even 1 yet...
There's this guy.
and I lOVe HiM!
and he's a twin.
so if he
doesn't love me
his bro will.
They are both

FUnny and
HAwt and

like totally amazing :)

So, I think that I annoy them more than anything, but they don't treat me like im a girl. That sounds really strange and all, but they treat me like they'd treat there friends- they are just... REAL. They don't try n like make the subject a;; girly cuz im there or squat. and they are really respectful. we always tease each other a lot, in a friendly way.
We are having a TWSS competition,
and I am winning!
I think that I am over .him.
F.This i am over .him.
He's a horrible, mean, backstabbing liar who
is decitful and full of crap.
He doesn't know how to treat a girl right and id c how I could've bent down at his feet. I don't need him.

                                              M A
                                          M A Y
                                     M  A Y
                                     A  Y      N
                              M   Y      N  A
                          M A        N A  Y
                     a    y         a   y   s
                     y         n    y   s  
                           n   a    s  
                           a   y   
                           y   s

Quote of the Day
"Opera is where a man gets stabbed in the back, but instead of dying, he sings."
-Robert Burns

Monday, February 14, 2011

is pizd off

I have this one teacher whom i greatly hate. hate hate hate hate hate. worst than last years teacher. i friggin turned in a huge HUGE work packet and she said that she doesnt have it. dammitt.

lol school again

i am a school. its 10:14. hahaahhahahaah nobody knows im on this. nikki is mad at me and marp.
ughh im sick of it. idk why shes mad. idc anymore. it gets annoying. yeaaa lol. URANUS.
URANUS URANUS. i want a sucker. reall bad. idk where the teacher is..... hahahaahahhahaha.....bye

Saturday, December 25, 2010

i wanna b like savvy!!
Like 7 guys have already wanted me to put in a good word for them. Dude, If I had guys tripin' like that for me,
life would be good. I wanna c what she would do and see if its anything like what i like. I think ima try this; everyday, she will write things she hates or would change about what i wore, my make-up, hair, etc. and see if we agree!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa, Baby!

I'm @ my grandma's house... I got a nerf gun, a 50$ Amazon Gift Card, ((AND MY DAD SAID NOT TO SPEND IT--- Bc my aunt has her reasources.. I am getting a KINDLE~~!!!!)) and a heat-scoring acne prevention kit...

 I am so happy! I am sick htu :((: and i hate being sick :(( if anyone knows any good books, let me know~! DUDE I cannot wait to see what my daddy and moo moo got me!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I lost my voice. yikes! LOL I had an amazing time with savvy and the girl in the white shirt today!! I am feeling quite bad though, physically. my throat is so HOARSE and I keep coughing... SIGH.

I am also feeling bad about the whole savvy thing.
I could probally appologize for what i'm about to say and tell you to not take it personally, But I know how human beings are and you probally will give it some consideration. That's what any normal human being would do! Ok, I am really sorry for pushing your buttons like that. But it really made me mad when I sat through your drawing lesson and you didn't even listen to mine. thats the past though, and theres nothing I or you can do about it, so i'm moving on. I am probally really jealous of ur MAD SKILLZ and just won't admit it to myself, and I know for a fact that you are a KICK A$$ drawer, but you need to realize that your way is not the only way. Yea, it may be the right way, but its not the only right way. and I absolutely LOVE your art- the reason I don't do exactly what you do is because I know whenever I do something the way u do it you can 're-create' it like 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times better, and I guess I really don't want any compitetion. (AKA I know my 'art; would look terrible compared to yours!)

I was walking down the hall ways when some ninth graders said that my drawing was really good. It was like this punk-y girl with dripping eyeliner and a bubblegum bubble. I thought I minus well give up drawing since im never gonna b as good as savvy no matter how hard i try, but they made me realize even more that what I do is good, it's just not her way. her way is great, my way is good. If I do things her way, they fail. SO I'ma do what I do best. and try not to make myself look like a complete idiot in the making.

Meh. Arting Problems.

Okay so Meghan, I give advice because I'm helping you. If you want to become better, then take my advice and don't be mad. You're lucky you have someone to give you advice, I didn't I just watched someone draw. And that's why my art has some flaws. Everyone's does, and it's not true that there's no wrong way to draw. There is a right way, and a wrong way. DONT TAKE THIS WRONG. OR PERSONALLY. THIS IS NOT A MEAN NOTE. If you don't draw something write, YOU DON'T DRAW IT RIGHT. And that's that. I'm sorry, I kinda feel that you're jealous of my skills. And I treat you like a baby?  How? Like it's a privelage to talk to me? WOW. Ummm, seriously? If you don't like my help and you don't think that I'm you're friend, then just tell me. I'm friends with everyone. At least I try to be. And Nikki's down to Earth, Marley's Awesome, and guess what label I get, BOSSY. WOW. Thanks I appreciate it. I'm not saying anymore because if I do.................. NVM. But seriously, Meghan, I'm sorry if you feel that way. I'm pretty sure you're Bossier than me. Buyt please don't take this offensivly. PLEASE. I love you. You're an amazing artist, and a friend. but sometimes, you don't say the right things. Neither do I. Please don't take this wrong. Or cry. LOL. PPLEASE... <3.....................

-My heart sometimes feels heavier than the Earth. <3.-